New Direction

Hey, y’all!  It’s been a while since I posted here…

So as you know I’ve been on the Daniel fast….

Did you know that the sky is blue and…

I honestly don’t know how and where to start.

There were many a times during the last 21+ days where I just wanted to come here and share the fresh revelation I had been given as I fasted and prayed. However, I felt that I needed some space to gather my thoughts so that I could communicate the lessons I’ve learnt in a more coherent way than I have done previously.

This blog began as a way of filtering out the baggage from the past and blogging was an outlet for the pent-up emotions whilst helping me walk through my own thought processes.  But now that I’ve been made whole again (by the grace of God!), it’s been on my mind these last 21 days to steer this blog in a different direction (as you may have guessed by the new name and tagline of this blog!).  I won’t be deleting the old posts because I believe it stands as a testimony of how God heals the brokenhearted however, I want to be more effective in utilising this blog as a tool to share lessons I’ve learnt on my own journey of faith.  I do not claim to have all the answers, but my sincere hope is that whoever comes by this side of the blog-o-sphere will be encouraged, inspired and motivated to self-evaluate and seek Truth for themselves.  If I can help even just one, it would have been worth it all.

So, in an attempt to have some structure in sharing the lessons I’ve learnt during the fast, I will be summarising a few key thoughts into a series of posts likely to be entitled something like:

  1. Fearless
  2. Humble
  3. Enlarge
  4. Consistent

There were also two miracles that happened during the fast that I would like to share, as well as the burden that has been placed on my heart for those in need.

Thank you to those who have been journeying with me so far.  It’s been awesome, really.  BUT, there is so much more ground to cover and conquer ;).  Can’t wait to see what else is installed!

Stay tuned and God bless!

♥ Ames

Almost there…

Today should have marked the end of the 21 day Daniel fast that began on 8th January 2012.  I say ‘should’ because in the last hours I caved in (stories for another time) and want to make it up this week.  I don’t know how Biblical it is to ‘make up’ on a few days of failed fasting or if it is even necessary but I feel compelled to do so.  Once I’ve completed it, I look forward to be back to a regular blogging routine.  I’m excited about sharing all that God has been teaching me and working in me in these last 21 days.  One thing that has been placed on my heart is to change the direction and tempo of this blog.  More on that in the coming days :).

For now, I would like to leave you all with a video clip that explains the purposes of fasting (the first 15 mins in particular) which is a precursor to the lessons I’ve learnt about the power of fasting:

See you again soon!

♥ Ames

The fast

Tomorrow (8th January 2011), my mum and I will be doing something that we have never done before. We will be partnering up to partake in a ‘Daniel fast’ for the next 21 days. This means no meat, no sweets, no bread and only water and fruit juice for liquids. We each have our own individual reasons for fasting but our expectations are the same: we want to see healing, restoration and salvation come to ourselves and to those God has placed in our hearts to petition and pray for. Setting aside time to fast at the beginning of the year will also set the tone for the rest of the year. I believe in putting God first even in this area of my life, we will see prayers answered.

If you want to join in or would like more info on fasting, see:

I’ve decided to blog each day during the fast to document the thoughts and Scriptures that are brought to mind. So if you are of the praying kind, prayers for my level of self-discipline would be appreciated (meat has always been my weakness!).

♥ Ames

[addition 08.01.12] Lol, just read Matthew 6 so I will not be blogging about the fast but prayers still appreciated.  I will be back in blogging action after the fast.